Seven Essentials to Transform Your Life Back to Basics with 7i Lifestyle【電子書籍】[ Barun Gorain ]

Seven Essentials to Transform Your Life Back to Basics with 7i Lifestyle【電子書籍】[ Barun Gorain ]

<p>"Advancement in science and technology has been a boon to humanity, which has allowed us to better understand, control and recreate our external environment [in order to enhance our comfort and convenience]. Despite all this, we are getting deeper into a multitude of predicaments and tribulations in almost every sphere of our livesーpersonal, economic, social and environmental.</p> <p>"With our fragmented view of the world, along with a lack of awareness of our inner selves, we are increasingly getting caught up in various life situations which result in a significant amount of time being spent on irrelevant activities that don't actually matter in the long run. It is time that we enhance our awareness of the key essentials that make life possible in the first place. The 7i lifestyle presented in this book will allow you to look at life holistically and promote your inner wellbeing."</p> <p>Through exhaustive research, Barun Gorain, Ph.D draws from vast sources of information on whole-being wellness, compiling them into this comprehensive and effortlessly accessible program. Designed to allow you to tailor your lifestyle adjustments towards a happier and healthier future based on your own needs and personal timeframe, Seven Essentials to Transform Your Life enables you to assess your current state of connectivity to life-enhancing elements for wellnessーfrom physical fitness to spirituality to work-life balanceーand make active, positive changes towards the life you dream of living.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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